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Deputy Laboratory Director for

Academic Affairs

About Us

About Us

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL), with its prime focus on global science and new technology frontiers, is committed to solve major scientific problems collaboratively. Focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer, metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and other major diseases, SZBL features BT+IT integration and multidisciplinary collaborations to develop programs in Bioinformatics, Innovative Drug, Biomedical Engineering, and other biomedical fields. SZBL is dedicated to innovations in both research and scientific administration. SZBL offers world-class technical support platforms, innovation in internal and external collaborations, and flexibility in hiring and promotion to attract and retain high-level talent and promote creativity. Through building a collaborative science and innovation community in the Greater Bay Area, SZBL strives to become the new global hub for life science.

This is a Global Recruitment and open to talented candidates across the world.

Job Position Level: Senior Executives

Job Type: Full-time

Salary: To be Discussed

Work Location: Shenzhen, China



Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Reporting to the Laboratory Director, the Deputy Laboratory Director for Academic Affairs articulates and executes a strategic vision for Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as SZBL) for Academic Affairs by serving as a strategic advisor on strategic planning and implementation of academic affairs for SZBL.

The Deputy Laboratory Director for Academic Affairs holds institutional responsibility for the allocation of resources and provides support and guidance to faculty and academic units (Subordinate Institutes and Centers) in the planning and development of new initiatives and programs and in the ongoing support of existing ones.

The Deputy Laboratory Director for Academic Affairs directs and manages the academic operations of the academic units, including but not limited to appointing faculty, overseeing and implementing academic programs, policies and rules, and overseeing SZBL’s graduate student & postdoctoral affairs and research functions.

Working with faculty of academic units, and the Office of Human Resources, the Deputy Laboratory Director for Academic Affairs orients new lab members (faculty and students), articulates and enforces lab policy, advises and supports graduate student and postdoctoral associates, and works to resolve academic and enrollment issues.

In collaboration with the Office of Finance, the Deputy Laboratory Director for Academic Affairs presents SZBL’s annual operating and capital budgets to the Laboratory Director, and is also responsible for the development, implementation, and stewardship of SZBL’s research enterprise, and serves as SZBL’s chief research liaison with the external stakeholders.



Shenzhen Bay Laboratory


Academic Leadership:

Provide visionary leadership and strategic direction for all academic programs, ensuring their alignment with SZBL's mission, goals, and accreditation standards.

Academic Personnel Management:

Recruit, develop, and retain a diverse and high-quality faculty (including appointments and re-appointments of faculty and staff, tenure and promotion, and annual evaluations). Foster a supportive and inclusive academic environment that promotes excellence in research, and scholarship.

Academic Planning and Resource Allocation:

Collaborate with academic units to develop and implement academic plans, including budgeting, resource allocation, and space utilization, to support SZBL's strategic priorities.

Research and Grants:

Promote and support faculty research, scholarship, and grant activities. Facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and partnerships both within and outside SZBL.

External Engagement:

Represent SZBL in academic and professional organizations, foster partnerships with external stakeholders, and promote SZBL's academic reputation locally, nationally, and internationally.

Student Success:

Collaborate with student affairs, relevant offices and academic units to enhance student success. Foster a supportive environment that promotes student engagement and inclusivity.



Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

■A doctoral degree, preferably in biology, biochemistry, biomedicine, chemistry, or related fields from a worldwide renowned institution.

■At least 10 years of academic leadership experience in an international academic setting, such as a notable research institution or a prominent university. Experience in academic leadership and administration, and expertise in managing academic programs, overseeing faculty, and implementing institutional policies and procedures.

■Strong strategic planning skills and the ability to develop a vision for the institution's research enterprise. Align research goals with the overall mission and strategic priorities of the institution, and effectively communicate and implement this vision across various stakeholders.

■Knowledge of higher research landscape, including emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in research and academia. Knowledge about national and international research policies, funding trends, and regulations affecting research institutions.

■Solid understanding of grant management processes and funding strategies. Familiarity with funding agencies, grant application processes, budgeting, compliance, and reporting requirements. Experience in successfully acquiring and managing grants can be beneficial.

■Excellent oral and written communication skills in English or Chinese, proficiency in at least one other global language is a plus. Effective communication and collaboration skills are essential for building relationships, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and advocating for research within the institution and externally.

Application Guide

Application Guide

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory

Applications for the Deputy Laboratory Director should include a current curriculum vitae and a letter describing relevant experience and qualifications, interest in the position and future plan for SZBL.

Senior PI (Tenured Professor level or equivalent) and administrative positions are also available.

Applications should be sent to hr_pi@szbl.ac.cn, and will be reviewed upon receipt. All personal information provided to SZBL during the application process will be handled in strict confidentiality.

For more information, please visit our official website https://www.szbl.ac.cn/.




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