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1. 考古学;

2. 博物馆学;

3. 文物学与文物保护。


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3. 一流的学术背景:具有相关学科领域的博士学位,具有一流教学科研机构的学习、工作经验,熟悉相关领域国际前沿的研究动态。原则上助理教授要求(博士毕业从事学术研究2年以上),准聘副教授要求(博士毕业从事学术研究4年以上);

4. 出色的教学能力:应具有能够胜任本专业核心基础课程和前沿课程的教学能力,掌握良好的教学方法,具有较强的语言表达能力;

5. 突出的科研成果显示度与未来科研发展潜力:应有相关研究方向的成果显示度,对相关研究领域有原创性观点,未来研究计划思路清晰,具有较好的学术潜力。


1. 岗位申请信(应明确申报的研究方向、具体岗位)

2. 详细个人简历(含已发表学术成果目录)

3. 研究成果与创新性

4. 研究计划与研究潜力

5. 三封推荐信

6. 教学经验



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2. 实行年薪制(具体另行商定)

3. 科研启动经费

4. 研究生招生

5. 学校提供短期周转住房和住房补贴,获聘人可优惠购买学校提供的商品房

6. 协助解决子女就读于小学和中学。








Tenure-Track Faculty Positions

The Institute of Archaeology, Museology and Chinese Civilization,

Nanjing University2024

I About the Institute

The School of History first emerged in 1902 as the National History Department of Sanjiang Normal School. In 1952, after the amalgamation of National Central University’s Departments of History and Border Politics and the Department of History of Jinling University, Nanjing University’s History Department was born. The School of History now has three first-level disciplines: Chinese History, World History and Archaeology.

The School of History has a long and illustrious history. It not only has an internationally renowned faculty, but also offers a comprehensive range of degree programs covering undergraduate, master's, doctoral and postdoctoral education. As the School places great importance on the professional and intellectual developments of its faculty members, it provides first-class facilities and excellent administrative support for teaching and academic research.

The Institute of Archaeology, Museology and Chinese Civilization is a new institute set up by Nanjing University in Suzhou Campus. The Institute will focus on the frontier fields of Chinese archaeology, combining field excavation, archaeological sciences, digital technology, image science and so on, to integrate humanities and technology, and to achieve multi-disciplinary integration and development. In order to fully serve the national strategy and the needs of Suzhou civilization exploration, we will devote to the discipline construction of archaeology, museology, cultural relics and conservation sciences, to cultivate compound and applied talents, and to strive to enhance the global influence of Nanjing University Suzhou Campus.

II The Positions

The Institute of Archaeology, Museology and Chinese Civilization is globally recruiting top-tier leading talents and outstanding young innovators in the fields of Archaeology& Museology. The primary focus of this recruitment is on the position of Tenure-track Assistant Professor, with several positions available. Higher positions for particularly outstanding scholars are available and application will be considered individually. Specific fields of research open for recruitment are:

1. Archaeology

2. Museology

3. Cultural relics and conservation sciences.

III Conditions for Application

The applicant should

1. abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and have a passion for teaching and research;

2. abide by the ethics of teachers, uphold academic integrity, be willing to work diligently, and have no criminal record or record in breaching the ethics of teachers and/or academic integrity;

3. have a first-rate background in academic training—specifically, a PhD in relevant disciplines, experience in studying and/or working at first-rate teaching and research institutions, and knowledge of the latest international trends and development in the relevant research field(s); In principle,the applicant for Assistant Professor should have engaged in academic research for more than two years after receiving the doctoral degree, the applicant for Associate Professor should have engaged in academic research for more than four years after receiving the doctoral degree;

4. have outstanding teaching abilities—the applicant should be able to teach core and frontline courses in the corresponding discipline, and have sound teaching methodology and strong verbal skills;

5. demonstrate outstanding research output and potential—the applicant should have publications in his/her field of research, original ideas about relevant fields of research, a clear vision about future research plans, and good potential for further academic development.

IV Supporting Materials for Application

1. A letter of application (please specify the field of research and position applied for);

2. A detailed CV (please include a list of publications);

3. An introduction of your research results and their innovative significance;

4. A plan for research and its prospects;

5. Three reference letters;

6. An account of experience in teaching.

Please login to the talent recruitment platform of Nanjing University (http://zp.nju.edu.cn/) to submit the application materials required.

V Benefits Package

1. An annual salary (to be worked out individually);

2. A start-up fund for research;

3. Qualification to supervise graduate students;

4. The university provides short-term lodging and housing subsidies. Applicants recruited can purchase commercial housing offered by the university at a special discount;

5. The university provides assistance with children’s schooling at primary and secondary school levels.

VI Application Deadline

Rolling recruitment(Interviews and evaluations will be organized in several batches depending on the number of actual applicants) .

VII Contact Details

Tel.:+86 (0)25-89687150(Ms. Wang)


Official Website: https://history.nju.edu.cn

0512-68760253, 0512-68768888(Department of Human Resources, Suzhou Campus)



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